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Period Product Drive

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 31, at 11:55 PM PDT
Project Owners

Making Waves: Our Period Product Fundraiser is Halfway Funded!

March 11, 2024

We're thrilled to share that we've reached the halfway mark in our Period Product Drive! Thanks to your incredible support and generosity, we're now that much closer to our goal of ensuring access to essential products. Every donation brings us further in making a significant difference in the lives of individuals in Bellingham. Together, we're challenging stigma and working towards a more equitable future.

Let's keep the momentum going! Share our fundraiser with your friends and family, and let's reach our goal together. Thank you for being a part of this important movement!


Planned Parenthood Generation Action

A Third of the Way There!

March 04, 2024

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Period Product Drive. Currently, we have enough funds to purchase about 56 boxes of products for those in need in Bellingham! This is an amazing achievement, and there's still time left to go even further! If you can't afford to donate, no problem- share our fundraiser with friends and family as we attempt to expand our impact on our community.

Thank you, and keep up the good work! 

Choose a giving level


Giving Pack

Every donation big and small helps buy vital period products.


Baby Bundle

Our smallest but mightiest bundle helping to purchase 2 boxes of period products.


Small Bundle

With the small bundle you can help purchase 3 packs of tampon or pads


Medium Bundle

The medium bundle will help purchase 3-5 boxes of period products.


Big Bundle

Donate with the big bundle and help fund the purchasing of 7-10 boxes of period products, and make a big difference!


Champion Over Period Poverty

Help us raise our goal to a new level and take down period poverty in Bellingham.

Our Crowdfunding Groups