Ecological Restoration Club

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
22 Supporters
days left
Project ends on February 28, at 10:00 PM PST
Project Owners

Support Students for Ecological Restoration Club at WWU

According to the Society for Ecological Restoration:

"Ecological Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed."

Ecological restoration is a vital and effective method of preserving ecosystems for current and future generations. Also, participating in restoration projects provides a multitude of benefits on the personal level. Our club strives to bridge the gap between interested WWU students and local restoration work initiatives. 

Our priority is involving students with boots on the ground projects. Participating in such work is beneficial for a multitude of reasons:

1. Restoration work provides students with a tangible way to make a positive difference and helps replace climate related mental qualms with an increased sense of place, purpose, and belonging.

2. Short term success of restoration projects shows the substantial ecological impacts they make (eg. a restored salmon stream will show massive improvements in after a single season). 

3. Ecosystem function is vital to many aspects of society from personal wellbeing to economic prosperity. Ecological restoration improves damaged systems

4. People feel more connected and care more deeply for their place, if they work to make it better.

We are seeking funding for our club in order to foster a robust community of restoration enthusiasts. Your donation will be put towards:

1. Funding student-led restoration projects in the Sehome Arboretum, a well-loved community space located adjacent to WWU.  

2. Reimbursing students that carpool to volunteer work parties to offset fuel costs.

3. Providing students with food after work parties in order to increase involvement and volunteer retention.

4. Provide compensation to speakers 

5. Funding to enable student-led research on local ecological restoration work.

As federal funding for environmental causes becomes more inconsistent, local initiatives and grassroots support is vital. We greatly appreciate your donation, and assure you that your support makes a difference. 

More on the club:

We strive to spread awareness of ecological restoration opportunities to students in order to connect students with local organizations. With our connections in the restoration world, we organize guest speakers from the professional and academic world of ecological restoration. These speakers include restoration ecologists, technicians, project managers, and leading scientists. Speeches allow students to ask questions and make connections with leaders in the environmental field. This opens an avenue for students to learn more about the opportunities available to them outside of college, bridging the gap between academics and the real world. 

We also have the goal of significantly reducing invasive species presence in Sehome Arboretum. We organize frequent invasive species removals, in hopes of eradicating English Ivy. In its place, we plant native species to prevent regrowth of opportunistic invasive. Simultaneously, club members gain valuable experience organizing and partaking in work parties, and we improve a well-loved community space. 

Anyone in the community is welcome to join club-led events, such as meetings and speeches, work parties, and more!

Choose a giving level


Snacks for small work parties

Provides snacks at work parties with less than 5 volunteers


Fuel reimbursement

Provides fuel reimbursements for carpools to volunteer restoration work parties.


Snacks for large work parties

Provides snacks for work parties with over 10 volunteers


Meal for bi-weekly meeting

Provides students with a meal during our bi-weekly evening meeting


Club restoration projects

Provides funds for invasive species removal in the Sehome Arboretum, and allows us to purchase native plants to replace invasives, ensuring ecological recovery.


Speaker Series

Our speaker series connects students with local organizations and bridges the gap between students and the professional world of ecological restoration.



This generous donation supports the long-term vision of our club, impacting hundreds of WWU students in the field of ecological restoration. It also makes you a member of the WWU President's Society, with benefits such as campus parking and events!

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